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The Four Word Film Review
Cloying romance clutters tragedy.
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Top reviewers rankings
The top 100 reviewers by number of reviews written.
1 calmer (22025)
2 randall (18920)
3 AC (16343)
4 BaftaBaby (14892)
5 lemmycaution (12831)
6 thefoxboy (10132)
7 Whippersnapper. (8465)
8 kolo (8195)
9 Please Kill Me Now (7970)
10 Larry (7899)
11 Canklefish (7599)
12 Sludge (6631)
13 noncentz (6110)
14 Josh the cat (5602)
15 demonic (5350)
16 Demisemicenturian (5142)
17 MguyXXV (5101)
18 Rovark (5075)
19 Montgomery (4929)
20 Tori (4712)
21 Conan The Westy (4602)
22 bife (4541)
23 w22dheartlivie (4313)
24 Yukon (4123)
25 ChocolateLady (4058)
26 TitanPa (4057)
27 Beanmimo (3867)
28 Cheese_Ed (3679)
29 MelissaS (3254)
30 Alan Smithee (3165)
31 clay (2765)
32 bennyr81 (2423)
33 Koli (2330)
34 MM0rkeleb (2297)
35 Downtown (2296)
36 knockmesilly (2253)
37 rockfsh (2070)
38 Gentleman Ghost (2055)
39 Catuli (2054)
40 Chris C (2031)
41 Little Old Lady from Dubuque (2004)
42 Justin Credible (1948)
43 maintcoder (1945)
44 turrell (1895)
45 elchico (1875)
46 Batty (1824)
47 redPen (1817)
48 shoon (1746)
49 boydegg (1730)
50 The General (1706)
51 Ken (1661)
52 RockGolf (1621)
53 Yelnats (1612)
54 Stalean (1563)
55 damalc (1545)
56 GHcool (1500)
57 el guapo (1497)
58 Paddy C (1456)
59 teddychan (1445)
60 Joe Blevins (1420)
61 Airbolt (1398)
62 Puzzgal (1374)
63 The Monster (1371)
64 rri1 (1323)
65 The Artist Formerly Known As W.S. (1307)
66 Stone Junction (1305)
67 Markandlain (1293)
68 Ali (1269)
69 Falken (1234)
70 Al Swearengen (1230)
71 Pope George Ringo (1183)
72 Badbart (1175)
73 soda (1175)
74 Weeble-head Boy (1148)
75 dlanod (1141)
76 [matt] (1112)
77 Sean (1106)
78 blueduck (1099)
79 hustleboy007 (1097)
80 Turducken (1060)
81 dgbenner (1025)
82 Fresno (997)
83 Bavvy (984)
84 Corduroy Pillow (970)
85 arocketman (958)
86 aahaa, muahaha (948)
87 tortoise (912)
88 Dante (899)
89 silly (884)
90 queenofcats (869)
91 JeddtheJedi (867)
92 ci�nas (862)
93 FloatingCoffin (825)
94 LadyMeerkat (820)
95 mumbles (811)
96 SwissArmyKnife (803)
97 Dicky (795)
98 Skunk Puppet (786)
99 mampers11 (729)
100 duh (723)
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