X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) |
61 reviews |
Film rated 3.1 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.1 / 5)
Stryker hampers Logan's run. |
Superhero story's somewhat Kitsch. |
Mutant has Hug(h)e issues. |
Wo(L)verine's (O)r(G)in (A)(N)swered. |
Wolverine's an experimental mess. |
Superhero: Spawn of North. |
Headless mutant destroys tower. |
Adamantium infusion creates Wolverine. |
Logan, Victor: brother enemies. |
Stryker manipulates Logan's striker. |
The talon-ted Mr. Jackman |
Wolves, bears: don't mix. |
Adamantium bullet kills movie. |
Methuselah becomes clawed berserker. |
WeaponXI has reactor accident. |
Naked Wolvie booty. Woot! |
Deadpool deflects machine guns. |
Jackman's blades go solo. |
Wolverine bares all...mostly. |
Hugh, Liev: relative claws. |
Wolvie flashes claws effectively. |
Hugh 'discovers' AdamAnt(ium). |
Hello Gambit. Goodbye Gambit. |
X-Man reveals metallurgic side. |
Hugh loses memory; forgettable. |
Mutant step-siblings' moral split. |
Jackman hacks through history. |
Wolverine mourns, then forgets. |
Wolverine: Behind the *Snikt*. |
Jackman gets 'cheeky' ... yum! |
Logan's beginning to shed. |
Victor won't Liev forever. |
Adamantium coating suits Logan. |
Xavier corrals escaping mutants. |
Adamantium alloys, enemies. |