Homicidal Hess confesses.
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All films with genre 'Fantasy'
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Film Name
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'?' Motorist, The (1906)
*batteries not included (1987)
...Mayombe, Paula? (2013)
< Air (2008)
? (2008)
?! (2002)
00:05'01 (2008)
10,000 B.C. (2008)
100 Million BC (2008)
1001 Arabian Nights (1959)
13 Going On 30 (2004)
13 Seconds (2003)
13th Warrior, The (1999)
15 Minutes Of Fame (2006)
1612: Khroniki Smutnogo Vremeni (2007)
17 Again (2009)
18 Again! (1988)
1st Bite (2006)
20 Million Miles To Earth (1957)
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1997)
Page Range
'?' Mo <---> 20,000
20,000 <---> 8�
9 <---> Abigai
Abomin <---> Advent
Aelita <---> Alice
Alice <---> Almigh
Alone <---> Angels
Angels <---> Arabia
Aragam <---> Attack
AUN: T <---> Baby O
Back I <---> Barbie
Barbie <---> Beauti
Beauti <---> Belo Y
Belyy <---> Bible
Bichun <---> Black
Black <---> Blood
Blood <---> Boy Wh
Boy Wi <---> Bright
Bright <---> Butche
By Any <---> Captai
Captai <---> Cat's
Cats <---> Chasse
Chatte <---> Christ
Christ <---> Circul
Circus <---> Colour
Coma <---> Corpse
Cosmop <---> Cyborn
D-War <---> Date W
Dawg O <---> Death
Death <---> Demon
Demon <---> Die Ab
Die Bo <---> Doctor
Doctor <---> Dr Awk
Dracul <---> Dream
Dream <---> Dust F
E.T.: <---> Elepha
Elf <---> Enthir
Epic <---> Evan A
Eve <---> Exterm
Exterm <---> Fallen
Fallen <---> F�e Au
Felix <---> Final
Final <---> Flying
Fog, T <---> Frankl
Franz <---> G-Forc
G.I. J <---> Ghost
Ghost <---> Ghosts
Ghosts <---> Godzil
Godzil <---> Gory G
Goshu <---> Gui Hu
Gui Wu <---> Hansel
Happy <---> Hausu
Hawaii <---> Hellbo
Hellbo <---> Hercul
Hercul <---> Hobbit
Hobbit <---> Hotel
Hottar <---> Humpty
Humpty <---> Iaga
Iblard <---> Incred
Incred <---> Inugam
Invent <---> It: Ch
Ivory <---> Jem An
Jenny' <---> Journe
Ju-on: <---> K-PAX
Kandis <---> Kingdo
Kirk <---> L'
L.A. S <---> Lapitc
Laputa <---> Left T
Legend <---> Life &
Life O <---> Little
Little <---> Logan'
LoliGi <---> Lost W
Lotto <---> M
M.M.P. <---> Make-O
Malefi <---> Manhat
Manipu <---> Maula
Maximu <---> Merlin
Merlin <---> Midnig
Midsum <---> Mirai
Mirand <---> Monste
Monste <---> Mothra
Motiva <---> My Cou
My Dem <---> Naked
Naked <---> New Gu
New Ni <---> Nightm
Nightm <---> Nostal
Nothin <---> Old Wa
Olho M <---> One Pi
Onion <---> Oz The
Ozu No <---> Peanut
Peggy <---> Phanto
Phenom <---> Pirate
Pirate <---> Pom Po
Popcor <---> Prince
Prince <---> Pufnst
Puli <---> Rage:
Ragewa <---> Red
Red Ba <---> Renfie
Reposs <---> Rise O
Rising <---> Rumpel
Rumper <---> Santa
Santa <---> Scienc
Scienc <---> Secret
Secret <---> Sevent
Sevent <---> She
She <---> Si Da
Siberi <---> Skelet
Skinwa <---> Smurfs
Snake <---> Son Of
Son Of <---> Specia
Specta <---> Stamp
Stand, <---> Stay T
Stealt <---> String
Strugg <---> Supers
Sure! <---> Tale O
Tale O <---> Ted
Teen S <---> The 5t
The 7t <---> The Ca
The Ch <---> The Dr
The Dr <---> The Go
The Go <---> The Jo
The Ke <---> The Ma
The Ma <---> The Pe
The Ph <---> The Sh
The Si <---> The Vo
The Wa <---> They C
Thicke <---> Three
Throug <---> TMNT
To Bea <---> Toto L
Touche <---> Troll
Trolls <---> Twin P
Twitch <---> Une In
Une Si <---> Vampir
Vampir <---> Viking
Vincen <---> Warcra
Warm W <---> Wester
What A <---> Wild T
Wilder <---> Wishma
Wishma <---> Won't
Wonder <---> X-Men
X-Men: <---> Yu-Gi-
Yuet G <---> Zvenig
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