Big (1988) |
141 reviews |
Film rated 4 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4 / 5)
Hanks grows- big pianist. |
Precocious Tom's porking Perkins. |
Interview on giant piano. |
Kid, Piano: Both oversized. |
Baskin's robbin' own cradle? |
Elizabeth experiences growth, spurt. |
Overnight trousers don't fit. |
Perkins sleeps with pre-teen. |
Hanks' kidult shamelessly deflowered. |
Perkins becomes pedophile. |
Hanks's original toy story. |
Tom's Baskin Big success. |
Hanks demands dominant position. |
Fair today, Big tomorrow. |
Zoltan: Ultimate penis enlarger! |
Perkins examines 'little Josh'. |
Josh revolutionizes toy company. |
Hank's scare? Pubic hair. |
Tom Hanks: overgrown kid. |
Tom discovers larger pianist. |
Hanks keyboards foot notes. |
Wish granted, virginity lost. |
Hanks's puberty flies by. |
Josh becomes toymaker savant. |
Hanks Moscow recapture youth. |
Hanks gets premature Woody. |
Youngster becomes oldster Hanks. |
Teenager screws older woman. |
Adolescent experiences sudden growth. |
From bunkbed to boardroom. |
Older woman corrupts minor. |
Fortune card growth hormones. |
Locker combo Social Security. |
Perfect playful piano partnership. |
Keyboard dancing scores job. |
Inadvertent statutory rape hi-jinks. |
'Chopsticks' for the feet? |
Zoltar grants girthday wish. |
Peodophile perkins, confused. |
Age fluctuations follow wishes. |
Hanks's Peter Pan complex. |
Toy company's golden boy. |
Hanks' boyish good looks. |
Kid becomes toy executive. |
Classic keyboard dance scene. |
Hanks plays youth believably. |
Little Baskin, big clothes. |
Hanks's underoos don't fit. |
Hanks enhances his manhood. |
Hanks doesn't outgrow pranks. |
Keyboard dancing charms customers. |
Tom Hanks's child's play. |
Rites of passage, sooner. |
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