Princess Bride, The (1987) |
194 reviews |
Film rated 4.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.8 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.5 / 5)
Robin Wright, Prince left. |
Pwetend piwate wescues pwincess. |
Disliking movie 'inconceivable'. |
Montoya introduces himself, repeatedly. |
Vizzini is inconceivably funny. |
Witty wordplay, shitty swordplay. |
Poetic giant: Real Longfellow. |
Inigo Montoya researches polydactylism. |
Columbo's tallest story yet. |
Shawn's winner with Andr�. |
Falk enlivens with humour. |
Honestly, a Giant letdown. |
Falk-ing good fairy tale. |
Eminently quoteable romantic fairytale. |
Peanut offer rudely rejected. |
Princess has Wright stuff. |
Inigo Montoya's father avenged. |
Story tames little Savage. |
Sicilian drinks to death. |
Hero, resurrected. Mawwaige averted. |
Maiden like RapunzEL, WEStley. |
'Mostly' dead Westley wins! |
Inigo introduces himself repeatedly. |
Westley Swipes saves princess. |
Buttercup denies, accepts love. |
Humperdink, Rugen, Vizzini? Morons. |
Grandpa entertains sick boy. |
Wovewy fwactured faiwy tale. |
Asian land war discouraged. |
'Saw' victim tortured again. |
Name's Inigo Montoyo, die. |
Prince plucks beautiful Buttercup. |
Patinkin completes Guest quest. |
Humperdinck desires Buttercup's hand. |
Build Westley Up Buttercup. |
Mawwaige cewemowny wuniquewy pewfowmed. |
Giant offers rhymes, peanut. |
Westley steals Humperdink's Buttercup. |
Drunken Spaniard seeks revenge. |
Spaniard avenges dead dad. |
Hilarious quote machine fairytale. |
Dread pirate wins hearts. |
Sarandon lies, Guest dies. |
Humperdinck's wedding night inconceivable. |
Vizzini overthinks poison cup. |
Falk's fairytale fascinates Fred. |
True love triumphs? Inconceivable! |
Reiner's true lovers' leap. |
Cook performs mawwiage cewwemony. |
Goldman's real-ly fable-ous story. |
Wordplay, swordplay, horseplay, Humperdinck. |
Reiner, Falk strike Goldman. |
Mawwage ceremony unsuccessfully conducted. |
Fairytale characters Robbed, gathered. |
Patinkin practices payback prattle. |
Sixth finger indicates villain. |
Kevin objects to kissing. |
Sicilian wagers death. Loses. |
Andre shows gigantic heart. |
Humperdinck picks Buttercup. |
Sicilian is inconcieveably obnoxious. |
Buttercup cleverly discovers R.O.U.S.es. |
Roberts survives nearly dead. |
Vizzini deems doubt inconceivable. |
Savage protests 'kissing stuff'. |
Westley better off dread. |
Inigo Montoya practises speech. |
Guest gets Patinkin's point. |
Crystal Wizard strikes Gold/man. |
Fezzik, Inigo- beautiful characters. |
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