Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (2001) |
225 reviews |
Film rated 3.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.7 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.7 / 5)
Harry gets Rowling's stone. |
Schoolteacher turns tricks. |
Boarding school prioritizes spelling. |
Voldemort's change of Hart. |
Harry's magical mystery tour. |
Columbus discovers magical land. |
Professor Snape dies hard. |
Hirsute Hagrid helps Harry. |
Columbus explores Wizardry. |
Scarred head, Parents dead. |
Beginning Of Pottermania. |
Rowling conjures up cash. |
Scarface, little friends. |
Dursleys: piggish, priggish. |
Rowling's 'Stone' gathers noblesse. |
Harry tries extreme curling. |
Needed: 'Better Acting' spell. |
Harry starts spelling lesson. |
Hogwart's begins Potter training. |
Little shit on broomstick. |
Harry no longer closeted. |
Magical homework's still boring. |
Harry: philosopher and sorceror! |
Troll creates Harry situation. |
Cupboard brat's first movie. |
Hats pointy, film pointless. |
Scarface gets wizard's wand. |
Reflected family tortures orphan. |
Caucasian wears turban. suspect? |
Magical book, muggle movie. |
Literary gold turned leaden. |
Cheesy wizard spread thin. |
Harry's seeker debut stunning! |
Harry, Ron befriend Hermione. |
Child inspires pagan fans. |
Gryffindor seeker finds trouble. |
Voldemort kept under wraps. |
Professor has 20-20 hindsight. |
Bespeckled boy learns magic. |
Nerd becomes wizard hero. |
Two-faced Professor attempts larceny. |
Ron made it watchable!!!! |
Please, Harry, try ACTING. |
When Harry met sorcery... |
Harry: little wizard prevails. |
Brooms. Wands. Pointy hats. |
Teenage wizards get stone. |
Columbus discovers, exploits Hogwarts. |
Harry's got the Hex-Factor. |
Potter franchise starts Rowling. |
Wizards face Rowling dog. |
Hagrid can't spell Happy. |
Potter destroys wand shop. |
Lightning scar creates migraine. |
Ron: inspirational. Harry: per-leese! |
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