Driving Miss Daisy (1989) |
84 reviews |
Film rated 3.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.6 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.6 / 5)
Racism okay... she's old. |
Daisy driving Morgan crazy. |
Academy rewards character-driven drama. |
Freeman's a slave driver. |
Driven wrinkly learns manners. |
Slave driver's a Freeman. |
Freeman drives, says Yes'm. |
Daisy prefers Piggly Wiggly. |
Freeman provides gaseous emissions. |
Freeman? Nope, says Daisy. |
Freeman: the incredible Hoke! |
Freeman flawless. Tandy dandy. |
Driver, story, very Hokey. |
Freeman accepts condescending bag. |
Daisy educated, Hope emancipated. |
Tandy's a backseat driver. |
Freeman, Tandy navigate friendship. |
Jewish Tandy learns tolerance. |
Freeman's chauffeur, a whiz. |
Freeman's patient as Job. |
Freeman plays race driver. |
Freeman handy, tolerates Tandy. |
Freeman�s politeness overcomes bigotry. |
Chauffeur tolerates backseat bitching. |
Freeman drives cranky biddy. |
Daisy, no shrinking violet. |
Freeman panders to Tandy. |
Freeman drives bigoted honky. |
Daisy denigrates, later, drools. |
Freeman drives while black. |
Granny hates public transportation. |
Daisy's destination? Nursing home. |
Driving racist granny around. |
Freeman chauffeurs bigoted Tandy. |
Tandy drives chauffeur crazy. |
Colored chauffeur serves obediently. |
Freeman tolerates backseat bigotry. |
Freeman drives Oscar winner. |
Freeman's un-excellent driving adventure. |
Granny's chauffeur's Atlanta adventures. |
Tandy teaches Freeman literature. |
Freeman, Tandy teach mutually. |
Bigot experiences prejudice herself. |
Aykroyd: Southern? Jewish? Yup. |
Beresford's pure Southern Hoke-um. |
Freeman transports quarrelsome cargo. |
Morgan's urination requires dignity. |
Freeman's Tandy's captive audience. |
Dowager Daisy harangues Hoke. |
Freeman befriends bigoted Tandy. |
Guten Morgan, fussy beeyotch. |
Mayonnaise shampoo fascinates Hoke. |
Hoke, Daisy, admire Idella. |
Geriatrics finally become friends. |
Freeman's handy for Tandy. |
Tandy crashes her Packard. |
Freeman tolerates Tandy's kvetching. |