A life less forwardinary. |
Pitt's body clock tock-ticks. |
Daisy pushes Benjamin's buttons. |
Pitt gets BETTER looking! |
Button's stored in drawer. |
Fitzgerald's short = 166 minutes? |
Eventually, Pitt's testicles ascend. |
Daisy wilts, Katrina grows. |
Benj follows antichronological order. |
Brad Pitt's role reversal. |
Backward Life's the Pitts. |
.story love Daisy's, Benjamin |
Baby-faced father receives attention. |
Button bizarrely ages backwards. |
Button abandons Kate, baby. |
Bashful Button gets Blanchett. |
Bittersweet race against time. |
Pitt-er-patter of tiny feet. |
Pittiful looking baby abandoned. |
Reversal of Brad's fortunes. |
Brad bangs ballerina Blanchett. |
Brad's EFIL went SDRAWKCAB. |
Age reverses Pitt: stops. |
Life moves fast backwards. |
Blanchett buries baby Brad. |
Abandoned baby grows younger? |
Life passes by counterclockwise. |
Aging Pitt shits diapers. |
Benjamin's fortune is buttons. |
Live reversed, die young. |
Pitt's, Blanchett's ages cross. |
Pitt's salad days, wilted. |
Pitt's retro-romance rewinds. |
Button apparently from Ork. |
Button goes on backwards. |
Daisy scattered with Buttons. |
Pitt regresses into infantilism. |
Button gets two childhoods. |
Old baby gets Alzheimer's. |
Brad's Benjamin buttons neatly. |
Brad's decline into infancy. |
Romance appropriate in middle. |