V venied, vidied, vicied. |
Hurt's played Sutler villains. |
Hurt's Orwellian role-reversal. |
Vicious vilgilante vanquishes villains. |
Winston Smith, Agent Smith. |
Aussie is Fawking terrorist. |
Violent, verbose, venial vigilante. |
Government: 'terrorist' after U. |
1812 Overture underscores rebellion. |
Hugo weaving regime change. |
Naked man Fawkes himself. |
WeaVing's effectiVe reVenge moVie. |
Weaving conscientiously tortures Portman. |
Natalie nearly gets Fingered. |
Evie Donat's her support. |
Verbose V's vile vengeance. |
Immolation. Resurrection. Misdirection. Insurrection. |
Terrorist, Government wear masks. |
V vocalises veritable verbiage. |
Gunpowder treason not forgot. |
Fawkesian 'Phantom' inspires revolution. |
V vanquishes vile villains. |
V's valedictory venture victorious. |
Remember 5th of Kaboomber. |
Extreme Makeover for Parliament. |
Masked protest occupies London. |
Natalie's hair short-man. |
McTeigue's vigilantes fail graphically. |
Portman blows the ending. |
Padme shorn, revolution born. |
Weaving spell over Portman. |
Portman needs hair. Weaving. |
Moore troubles for Neo-Fascists. |
Phantom of the Oppressed. |
Facist Britain, filmed: Germany! |
Portman bald. Portman bawls. |
T: 'Terrorist.' U: Underground. |
Wachowski's anarchy in U.K. |
V alliterates, then obliterates. |
Revolutionary V fries eggs. |
V: vacuous, vapid, vague. |
Hugo: Weaving some rebellion. |
V becomes Evey's [tor]mentor. |
Lesbian's letter converts Portman. |
Venal Vengeance Very Verbal. |
Natalie's tortured. Logic, too. |
Letter bomber targets London. |
Weaving is Portman's Guy. |