Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc, The (1999) |
90 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.2 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.9 / 5)
French teenager starts smoking. |
Don't burn the Messenger! |
English enjoy French cooking. |
French fry makes history. |
French heroine burns out. |
Heroine makes French toast. |
French crossdresser gains sainthood. |
Kill the Messenger! Done. |
French army celebrity roast. |
Joan's superiors fire her. |
Vision quest Joan, burnt. |
First Element saves France. |
Divine conversations doom Joan. |
Milla martyred, medium rare. |
Milla's performance 'well done'. |
Besson--burning, backstory. |
Warriorette betrayed by D'oh!phin. |
Milla becomes stake flamb�. |
Milla demonstrates 'rare' talent. |
France: everything's at stake. |
Arc's angelic; fire stings! |
Proves Frenchmen can't fight. |
ARChaic story on heroine. |
Confessing girl given roasting. |
Orl�ans maiden becomes saint. |
Joan's high stakes well-done. |
Besson celebrates bonfire knight. |
Besson's flaming miss stake. |
Malkovich/ kitch: Jovovich/ witch. |
(Don't) burn the messenger! |
Saint Joan: revisionist herstory. |
Hoffman somehow not short. |
Lush visuals. Dustin, why? |
Saintly, gory, bloody, toothy. |
Joan saves France, burns. |
Milla makes medieval mayhem. |
Beautiful Milla has visions. |
Messenger Joan gets burned. |
Hallucinating peasant spit roast. |
Heroine hallucinates; fuels fire. |
Milla mangles mythic 'Maid'. |
Besson bungles French myth. |
Milla Jovovich gets burned. |