Batman Forever (1995) |
117 reviews |
Film rated 2.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 2.6 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.7 / 5)
Carrey riddles, Kidman fiddles. |
Riddled with ridiculosity. |
Kidman: Aussie. Carrey: Canuck. |
Batman, Riddled with cheese. |
Holy buff sidekick, Batman! |
'DARK' Knight Schumacher, remember?!? |
Franchise Kilmer? Franchise killer? |
Kilmer's bat fights riddles. |
Schumacher's cheese. Ed Nygma. |
Kidman: breathless for Batman. |
Carrey's Riddler: REALLY annoying. |
Get Rid(dler) of(f) Kilmer! |
Franchise gets Carrey-ed away. |
O'Donnell swings into franchise. |
Jim, Jones attack Batman. |
Schumacher's career real riddle. |
Biggest Riddle: who greenlighted? |
Franchise loses Keaton, dignity. |
Ace Ventura Bats Detective. |
Batman gains Kilmer instinct. |
Riddler gets Carrey'd away. |
Batman dreams. Kidman screams. |
Two-face one-dimensional, Riddler inexplicable. |
Carrey confuses Caped Crusader. |
Kilmer's Batman title: misnomer. |
Batman's descent into mediocrity. |
Double trouble riddles Bat. |
Batman verus neon lights. |
Bat battles two-faced enigma. |
Batman battles over-the-top split-personalities. |
Carrey Riddles rough rhymes. |
Veritable brain-drain device. |
Campy Jones carries Carrey. |
Schumacher cobbles together sequel. |
Batman's gothic period ends. |
O'Donnell portrays Bat Lieutenant. |
Tommy's 'face' is wasted. |
Disfigured Jones seeks revenge. |
Kilmer unfit for Batmobile. |
Burton's brooding Batman banished. |
Achilles heel: coin, Kilmer. |
Caped crusader gets campier. |
Carrey can't carry crusader. |
Gotham's decline continues. |
Masked crusader out Riddled. |
Carrey riddles, twirls cane. |
Bad Schumacher! No Batnipples! |
Franchise gone for Burton. |
Alfred designs rubber Dick. |
Two- Faced sequel dissapointment. |
Schumaker sinks bat franchise. |
Carrey outhammed by Jones. |
Franchise gets neon makeover. |
Two-Face has Two-headed Coin. |
Tommy Lee's still Two-Faced. |
Forever.. until series rebooted. |
Batman franchise ruined forever. |
Riddler, Two-Face threaten Gotham. |
Batman saves both sidekicks. |
Star: Carrey. Supporting: Kilmer. |
Kilmer catches kitsch Carrey. |
'Ace Ventura' with Batman. |
Pudgy TV superhero reanimated. |
Jone's Two-Face's annoying. |
Tommy Wasted Carrey Faded. |