Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956) |
55 reviews |
Film rated 4 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4 / 5)
Assassins rely on cymbalism. |
Hitch in Moroccan market. |
Yanked Hank's Miles away. |
Singing, whistling saves son. |
Doris' scream foils assassin. |
Jimmy's holiday is murder. |
Singing, instruments save Day. |
Doris Plays Whistler's Mother. |
Assassin's dark orchestral movements. |
Vacationing Jimmy overhears plot. |
Phlegmatic Day sings 'whatever'. |
Family vacation uncovers assassination. |
Moroccan holiday becomes deadly. |
Hitch rehashes assassination plot. |
Assassins met on holiday. |
Much improved Hitchcock remake. |
Hitch redundantly remakes classic. |
Dying words cause trouble. |
Cymbol crash, assasins dash. |
Holidaymakers prevent dastardly assasination. |
Stewart caught in middle. |
McKennas hunt son's kidnappers. |
McKenna's African holiday ruined. |
Knowledgeable man: Hitchcockian innocent. |
Hichcock remake in Morocco. |
Hitchcock tries again, succeeds. |
McKenna's vacation cut short. |
Assassins have cymbal plan. |
Assassins spoil Stewart's vacation. |
Que Sera reprise interminable! |
Show-stopping shriek spoils assassination. |
Movie has 'cymbal'-ic ending. |
Assassins end Moroccan vacation. |
Bang The Diplomat Swiftly. |
Family encounters Moroccan Plot. |
Screaming, whistling save lives. |
Hitchcock watches Moroccan acrobats. |
Day ponders multiple "Whats". |
Hitch remake... 'Too Much'. |
Hitch revisits Albert Hall. |
Doris debuts 'Que Sera!'. |
Assassin awaits cymble crash. |