Rosemary's Baby (1968) |
136 reviews |
Film rated 4.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.3 / 5)
Baby, it's occult outside. |
There's Something Inside Rosemary. |
Devil-make-heir attitude. |
Rosemary faces inner demon. |
Housewife served deviled eggs. |
Rosemary's scary minor development. |
Farrow's child surprisingly horny. |
Warning: Devil's heir born. |
Idle womb, devil's playground. |
Neighbours from Hell. Literally. |
Heresy, Rage, Rosemary; Child. |
Mia's husband: evil stepdad. |
Satan ploughs Farrow�s furrow. |
Mia mortal supernaturally impregnated. |
Progenitorial Prince of Darkness. |
Cassavetes pimps for Satan. |
Woodhouse's womb: hell bent. |
Mia pregnant, not Sinatra's. |
Farrow's maternity changes eternity. |
The unimmaculate conception. |
Farrow's first paternity problem. |
Devil impregnates Sinatra's wife. |
Satan's mother's pregnancy diary. |
Cassavetes supports Satanic impregnation. |
Farrow anticipates postpartum oppression. |
Mia births surrogate hellspawn. |
Farrow has harrowing pregnancy. |
Satan's baby? That's inconceivable. |
Polanski challenges pro-lifers. |
Mia's monstrous maternal manifestation. |
Satan's mother fights back. |
Mia attracts horny devil. |
Farrow delivers evil package. |
Farrow grows Satan's seed. |
Daddy's greed= Satan's seed. |
Neighbours evil babysitting plans. |
Wrinkly neighbours baby plans. |
Crazy neighbors manipulate Rosemary. |
Satan becomes family man. |
M(y) I(nfant) A(nti-christ). |
Fiends furtively fuck Farrow. |
Paranoid girl's nasty delivery. |
Cult coldly captures kid. |
Rosemary's little Devil; literally. |
Rosemary sleeps with Satan. |