Conversation, The (1974) |
87 reviews |
Film rated 4.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.3 / 5)
Recording devices, Gene splices. |
Something is bugging Hackman. |
Hackman: hear and loathing. |
Bugged bug buggered bugger. |
Hackman is great listener. |
Gene's surveillance fears under-Stan-dable. |
Aural gratification, great climax. |
Clever bugger develops concience. |
Hackman listens to Cauls. |
Sex, lies, and audiotape. |
'Enemy Of State' Prequel. |
Coppola Hitchcockian between Godfathers. |
Hackman watches, listens, regrets. |
Blind man's 'Rear Window'. |
Coppola's claustrophobic buggin' flick. |
Hackman misinterprets buggy information. |
Hackman tapes truth? Consequences! |
Caul calls on conscience. |
Surveyor fears for surveyed. |
Something's bugging Gene Hackman. |
Surveillance expert becomes surveillee. |
Hackman's recording proves deadly. |
Coppola updates eavesdropping. |
Hackman's Harry the snoop. |
Caul's apartment not secure. |
Audiophile bugs chatty couple. |
Phone tapper has regrets. |
Hackman becomes reversed buggered. |
Hackman - A Buggers Life. |
Sound, stripped, reveals skulduggery. |
Wiretapper cracks, trashes apartment. |
Surveillance, paranoia, nervous breakdown. |
Hackman as surveillance expert. |
Surveillance expert gets bugged. |
Audio technician plays saxophone. |
Paranoid eavesdropper is overheard. |
Blocked toilet overflows blood. |
Hackman's bug never found. |
Hackman discovers his Caul-ing. |
Hackman's Harry's buggin' out! |
Watcher becomes the watched. |
Seeker becomes the target. |
Talk, tapes, bugs, wires. |
Eavesdropping tapper, bloody crapper. |
Eavesdropper redecorates... enough said! |
Eavesdropper fears murder plot. |
Hacked couple bugs Hackman. |
Caul's bugged by conscience. |
Listening Tom, listened on. |
Hackman followed by Ford. |
Hackman's attempts prevent hackings. |
Sound hacker Hackman horrified. |
Repetitive wire tapping tedium. |
Hackman incriminates wrong couple. |
Hackman patronises Radio-Shack. |
Paranoid Hackman's all ears. |
Hackman provides hearing aid. |