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Story moving: Bardem not.
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Val Lewton RKO Horror
Val Lewton RKO Horror
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All films in accolade 'Val Lewton RKO Horror' (Please Kill Me Now )

Objective: This accolade recognizes the nine superbly atmospheric horror pictures made by RKO Studios under producer Val Lewton between 1942 and 1946. These films were directed by Jacques Tourneur, Mark Robson, and Robert Wise; and featured actors such as Simone Simon, Tom Conway, and Boris Karloff. "The Body Snatcher" was the last film to pair Karloff with Bela Lugosi, and so their scene together has a certain poignancy. That particular film was inspired by a short story by Robert Louis Stevenson based on the Burke and Hare case, whereas "The Leopard Man" was adapted from a novel by Cornell Woolrich. Similarly, "The Isle of the Dead" was suggested by the two paintings with that name by Arnold Boecklin, and "Bedlam" was likewise suggested by the last engraving in the series "A Rake's Progress" by William Hogarth.

Matches 1 to 9 out of 9

Order byFilm NameFilm YearShow 
Reviews available Bedlam (1946)
Reviews available Body Snatcher, The (1945)
Reviews available Cat People (1942)
Reviews available Curse Of The Cat People, The (1944)
Reviews available Ghost Ship, The (1943)
Reviews available I Walked With A Zombie (1943)
Reviews available Isle Of The Dead (1945)
Reviews available Leopard Man, The (1943)
Reviews available Seventh Victim, The (1943)
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