Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (1964) |
143 reviews |
Film rated 4.7 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.8 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.7 / 5)
Classic Kubrick, Best Sellers. |
Starring Sellers, Sellers, Sellers. |
Strangelove lacks arm control. |
World's survival chance: Slim. |
Making Strangelove to Bomb. |
The Kubrick Missile Crisis. |
Mangled meglomaniac mongers war. |
Major Kong, ground control. |
'Prevert' victimizes Coke machine. |
Nuke clearance, Sellers beware. |
Sterling tarnished by fluoride. |
Water flouridation incites annihilation! |
Air Force creates Slim-fast. |
Pickens straddles nuclear warhead. |
Precious bodily fluids protected. |
Slim Pickens becomes smithereens. |
Flaccid fanatic purifies planet. |
Sellers attempts 'General' calming. |
Sellers attached to explosives. |
Stopping bomb, Slim Pickens. |
Bombs, buffoons, bodily fluids. |
Precious Bodily Fluids vaporized. |
Sellers big bang threeory. |
Dr. Strangelove purely strange. |
Pickens propels phallic payload. |
Sellers plays three roles. |
Vera Lynn's mushroom montage. |
Kubrick scripts best Sellers. |
Sellers' trio attempt peace. |
Kubrick's comedic war chaos. |
Sterling performance by Sterling. |
Absolute definition of satire. |
Strangelove resists Nazi tendencies. |
Classic bomb-riding scene. |
Black comedy goes nuclear. |
Slim's Nuclear Crotch-Ride. |
Sellers, Sellers, more Sellers! |
Mandrake, Muffley, Merkw�rkdigliebe: multitasker! |
'King' Kong attacks Russia. |
Kubrick cautions, and amuses. |
Sellers = Strangelove + President + Mandrake. |
Ripper exceeds his authority. |
Ripper does silly thing... |
Stanley Kubrick drops bomb. |
Kubrick's apocalypse prevention comedy. |
Kooks outsmarted by nukes. |
Kubrick creates cataclysmic comedy. |
Hilarious, realistic Doomsday classic. |
Pickens hurries Russkies' worries. |
Kubrick Sellers sci-fi comedy. |
Turgid(son) nuclear satire. |
Kubrik's bellicose kaleideoscope. |
Sellers beatnik classic, fantastic! |
Wheelchair bound genius expounds. |
Kubrick's General dynamics. |
Vader's voice drops bomb. |
Strangelove's estimate = stranger love. |
Ant-war film really bombed. |
MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction. |
Southern's post-modern western. |
Commie haters destroy world. |
Kubrick, Sellers, nukes. Yahooooooooo! |
Kubrick-Sellers combo: SUPERB! |
Pickens rides final missile. |