Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline (2002) |
61 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Guy rating: 2.9 / 5)
OperVaders are standing by. |
Callers receive heavy breathing. |
The Psychic Fiends Network. |
'Psychic' uses empirical data. |
2.99 Galactic Credits/minute. |
Telephone. Telepath. Tell-a-Sith. |
Seer-ch your feelings, Luke. |
Vader Sees Present/Future. |
Vader knows what's later. |
Darth Visions; knight blindness. |
The Empire Psych's Forward. |
Anakin's extra-sensory extra-terrestrial advice. |
Using 'Force' for profit. |
Darths sees future forces. |
Darth hocks psychic ability. |
Vader forsees your future. |
Search your wallet, Luke. |
The future's dark(-side). |
James Earl Jones, Psychic? |
Callers Force-d to listen. |
Darth Vader, psychic communicator. |
Before prediction: deeeep breath. |
Through a glass, Darthly. |
Clairvoyant Vader takes calls. |