Day After Tomorrow, The (2004) |
212 reviews |
Film rated 3.1 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.2 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3 / 5)
United States of Antarctica. |
Central Park rink expands. |
Illegal Anglos flood Mexico. |
Literary criticism at extremes. |
Libraries finally become cool. |
Global warming screws humanity. |
Americans become wetbacks. |
Jack issues Frost warning. |
Tornadoes destroy spin city. |
Emmerich predicts current events. |
Librarian cooks the books. |
Suitable for Holm freezing. |
Hell('s Kitchen) freezes over. |
Big Apple flavoured popsicle. |
Quaid's weather summary: wintery. |
Gyllenhaal: Weather Outside Frightful. |
Planet has bi-polar disorder. |
Cold. Colder. Colder. Panic. |
Texas hosts Winter Olympics. |
Global warming freezes earth? |
Canada frozen out- literally. |
Emmerich's disaster: snow good! |
Public library. Storm overdue. |
U.S. becomes Mexico's bitch. |
Emmerich destroys NYC. Again. |
'Warming' causes freezing. |
Emmerich's hoar fucks everyone. |
Manhattan NOT straight up. |
Gyllenhaal out-runs temperature change! |
Extremist Weathermen trouble President. |
Emmerich's polar express. |
Ice age: America's fault! |
German director burns books. |
'Independance Day' with ice. |
NYC; next year's climate. |
Weatherman blows into NY. |
NY winter unusually cold. |
Americans become frost backs. |
'Ice Age', less animation. |
Wendy's still serves Frosties. |
'Independence Day' with snow. |
Liberty Statue can't swim. |
Astronauts observe cgi winter. |
Another Quaid saves Emmerich. |
NYC ski vacations available. |
'Ice Age'; angrier wolves. |
Paleoclimatology can save world. |
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