Planet Of The Apes (2001) |
119 reviews |
Film rated 2.5 / 5
(Chick rating: 2.3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.5 / 5)
The Ape Lincoln memorial? |
Wahlberg discovers banana republic. |
Humans: beasts of Burton. |
Silverback To The Future. |
Wahlberg feels Tim's Roth. |
Remake only apes original. |
Marky Mark's fuzzy bunch. |
Human 'Bonham'ie with apes. |
Wahlberg's funky monkey movie. |
Roth - Soldier of Orang(utan). |
Helena branded a traitor. |
Wahlberg spanks the monkeys. |
Heston warns AGAINST guns? |
Infinite apes/ typewriters, result... |
Helena 'hearts,' helps humans. |
Tim Roth's gorilla warfare. |
Astronaut finds Banana Republic. |
Plantain from Outer Space? |
Roth uses gorilla tactics. |
Burton's first bad remake. |
Hot, humanitarian chimp Helena. |
Marky Mark's banana bunch. |
Tim Burton's Ape Mistake. |
Marky Mark... Monkey bunch. |
Burton's Monkey: Not Funky. |
Burton monkeys with ending. |
Wahlberg apes Heston badly. |
Sensitive study of bestiality. |
Wahlberg makes 'Ape' turd. |
Remake doesn't ape original. |
Gorillas in Marky's midst. |
Monkeys out evolve Wahlberg. |
Things hairy for Wahlberg. |
Wretchedly acted monkey crapfest. |
Wahlberg smooches female monkey! |
Marky Mark ponders bestiality. |
Underwear model battles simians. |
Tim Burton's monkey shines. |
Infinite monkeys film remake. |
Scary.. monkeys on horseback. |
Astronaut Wahlberg monkeys around. |
Cheetah chimponaut saves Mark. |
Apes need swimming lessons. |
Wahlberg romances ape chick. |
Monkey see, monkey don't. |
Heston more believable human. |
Simian remake stylish, substanceless. |
Burton is monkeying around. |
Marky Mark spanks monkies. |
Apewoman Carter disturbingly hot. |
Good remake? Apesolutely! |
Burton makes monkey business. |
Heston now 'damn's humans! |
Wahlberg defeats heavyweight chimps. |
Captain's crash changes civilization. |
People pets please primates. |
Humans capture orangutan slavedriver. |
Burton rapes Ape original. |
Burton reprises surprise ending. |
Delicious Daena doesn't disrobe. |
Leo's landing flips future. |
Apes, humans and Wahlberg! |
Ape remake complicates plot. |
Shameful script, simian silliness. |