From Justin To Kelly (2003) |
74 reviews |
Film rated 1.2 / 5
(Chick rating: 1.4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 1.1 / 5)
Entire J-K range explored. |
Try again, American Idol. |
Idols are MusiKelly challenged. |
America reconsiders Idol winners. |
'Grease' spillage on beach. |
Musical leaves America idle. |
'Grease' hits beach, drowns. |
Idols unworthy of worship. |
Lobotomy candidates sing, dance. |
'Idols' winners; audience loses. |
Longest American Idol commercial. |
Cheesier Frankie and Annette. |
Shameless false 'Idol' worship. |
Idols break spring break. |
American Idols: Graven images. |
Idol ideology: Dully idyllic. |
Idols' Miami spring break. |
Sand, stupidity, lip-synching. |
Seeking Lizzie from Internet. |
Beachy, campy 'Grease' remake. |
Beach musical takes dive. |
Alexa shafts best friend. |
American Idols, washed up. |
American Idol beach romp. |
Idolatry beached. Decorum breached. |
Lame idols need lifeguard. |
Idols 'Grease' the beach. |
Clarkson's boring beach party. |
Musical starring Idol rejects. |
Modern-day 'Grease' on beach. |
Idol romance movie unwatchable. |
Idols explore acting musically. |
Idols commit career suicide. |
American idols act badly. |
Teens idolize each other. |
Idols idolising in florida. |
Sun-worshipping false Idols. |
American Idol takes plunge. |
Idol winners' disaster movie. |