Great Expectations (1946) |
31 reviews |
Film rated 4.1 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.1 / 5)
Pip knocks down Guinness. |
Graveyard encounter chills Mills. |
Pip loves convict's daughter. |
Convict creates a gentleman. |
Pip mistakes his benefactor. |
Pip parties with Guinness. |
Guinness in Lean's Pocket. |
Love Simmons. Marry Hobson. |
Escaped Convict: Criminal InKent. |
Convict unAbel to escape. |
Dickens gets Lean adaptation. |
Bella Estella thrills Mills. |
Mysterious Magwitch Curries favour. |
Estella spurns; Haversham burns. |
Magwitch tells porky pies. |
Miss Havisham's fired up. |
Icy Estelle breaks hearts. |
Estelle avenges Havisham's jilting. |
Wager's kindness advances Mills. |
Miss Havisham flames out! |
Pip has mysterious benefactor. |
Little Pip-squeak helps convict. |
Havisham causes burning sensation. |