You've Got Mail (1998) |
162 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.7 / 5)
Viewers want to ctrl-alt-del. |
Mail and female together. |
Saving private mails: Ryan. |
'Shop Around Corner' E-hashed. |
Meg's heart, shop eDangered. |
Ryan/ Hanks exchange ;-)'s |
Postman always beeps twice. |
Sleepless In Store Battle. |
Entrepreneur baits, Meg bytes. |
Internet interface = intercourse interest? |
Shopkeepers secretly seduce seditionists. |
Tom, Meg�s E-pistolary romance. |
Amorous Hanks wants inbox. |
Booksellers in e-flirting horror. |
Entrepreneur lacks own domain? |
Looking for Mr. ...'GOODBYE'. |
Unrealistic absence of spam. |
E-Shop Around The Corner. |
Hanks-Ryan: E-mail attachment. |
Computers unite book worms. |
When Sally discovered internet. |
Booksellers blab in cyberspace. |
Shopgirl finally gets male. |
Hanks does AOL commercial. |
Meg discovers male-merge. |
Ryan's trying book keeping. |
eRomantic eComedy is eBoring. |
Meg screwed, then romanced. |
On-line romantics, real-life rivals. |
Hanks, Ryan: Online Movie. |
Hanks, Ryan to mattresses. |
'Sleepless In Seattle' online. |
'Sleepless' retread gone wrong. |
Predictable retread of 'Sleepless'. |
Shopgirl, NYC152 plan FTF. |
Bookstore loses, net profits. |
AOL matches two bookworms. |
Corporations bad. Except Starbucks. |
Bookish squares misuse AOL. |
Virtual correspondents co-responsive. |
Shitty e-mail love story. |
Pussilanimous Tom, predictable Meg. |
Corporate heir catfishes bookseller. |
Meg, Hanks 'Shop Around'. |
Electronically stimulated love. |
'Sleepless' with technological advances. |
Bookstore owners love, hate. |
Hanks enjoys email enhancement. |
Book billionaire courts competitor. |
Kinnear finds typewriter endear-ing. |
Tom's obsessed with Godfather. |
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