Wolf (1994) |
34 reviews |
Film rated 3.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.3 / 5)
Wolf whistles for Michelle. |
Pfeiffer dances with wolf. |
Nicholson, hairline makes advances. |
Jack marks Spader's shoes. |
Wolfman sleeps with Catwoman. |
Spader forks Nicholson over. |
Jack has animal magnetism. |
Nicholson howls, audience too. |
Jack's forked. Michelle's spooned. |
Library then lycanthropy. |
Nicholson gets rabidly wild. |
Nicholson huffs, puffs...blows. |
Wolf bite result: Sideburns! |
Nicholson soils Spader's shoes. |
Lycan Jack upsets equines. |
Nicholson howls. Spader prowls. |
Nicholson's a night howl. |
Lupine conflict over Pfeiffer. |