Terminal relationship; love Hertz. |
Clooney misses his connection. |
Clooney's touch downs, scores. |
Takeoff. Layoff. Takeoff. |
Ready, aim, you're fired! |
Clooney's relationship made redundant. |
10,000,000 miles, few smiles. |
Enter Exit Interviews galore. |
Downsizer's ego touches down. |
Outplacement consultant errs, airs. |
Clooney cancels employee's employment. |
Clooney deals with gravity. |
Ryan:10,000,000 mile man. |
Clooney: fire when ready. |
Ryan's flying, Natalie's flown. |
Flight Club: Project Fire'em. |
Down-sizers: down, sighs, errs. |
Traveler B(r)ingham's bad news. |
Flying inspiring, firing tiring. |
Clooney: firing, high again. |
Hundreds face firing squad. |
Terminal to terminal terminations. |
10,000,000 miles from happiness. |
Clooney's backpack's pretty empty. |
Clooney prefers Asian travelers. |
Flighty Clooney, finally grounded. |
Catching connections, Clooney connects. |
Clooney talks plane truth. |
Clooney, Kendrick; fire works. |
Making flights, missing connections. |
Clooney's high flier grounded. |
Pink slips, boarding passes. |
Firers foster faux future. |
Firer's flame flies frequently. |
Clooney loyal to airline. |
Terminator visits downsized employees. |
Clooney embraces hatchet job. |
Surprise visit? Clooney airs. |
George the travelling terminator. |
Clooney gains ten million. |
Clooney is professional axer. |
Ryan declines 'cancer' offer. |
Clooney with vagina - married. |
Weigh life, carry backpack. |
Kendrick quits firing people. |
Hatchet man recommends hiring. |
Clooney's air-Ryan lifestyle. |
1,000,000 miles = Elliott visit. |