Cape Fear (1991) |
89 reviews |
Film rated 3.7 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.9 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.8 / 5)
'Natural Born' thumbsucker. |
DeNiro's alternative hitchhiking methods. |
DeNiro ruthless. Juliette useless. |
Lawyer regrets throwing case. |
Danielle sets Cady afire. |
Mitchum, Peck: legends re'Cape'd. |
Bob's back... with tattoos! |
Annoying family deserves stalker. |
Cady's seduction: bloody cheeky. |
DeNiro's bad movie manners. |
Deep-throatin' DeNiro's digits. |
Max Cady, reeaaalllly SHADY! |
Moviegoer DeNiro smokes, chuckles. |
DeNiro: very creepy ex-con. |
Pointless remake, no fear. |
Now, Peck persecutes Bowden. |
Juliette sucks DeNiro digits. |
DeNiro speaks in tongues. |
Cady's revenge, Nolte fears. |
Scorsese remakes Thompson's classic. |
Revenge story. Sideshow? Bob. |
Deluge drowns demented DeNiro. |
Lawyer infuriates illustrated man. |
Naive Danielle befriends psycho. |
Stalking DeNiro, creepy tattoos. |
DeNiro's Max matches Mitchum's. |
Illiterate teaches lawyer lessons. |
Rampaging Robert enriches remake. |
Neverending raging river rubbish. |
Creepy Cady chases child. |
Defence attorney regrets losing. |
Bitter rapist stalks Nolte. |
Nolte's defense convicts DeNiro. |
DeNiro shows huge tattoos. |
Deadly, drawling De Niro. |
Bobby's flare for Juliette. |
Tattooed DeNiro incoherently threatening. |
Deniro thumbs Juliette Lewis. |
DeNiro stalks lawyer's family. |
Nolte esCAPES FEARful felon. |
Lewis intense thumb sucker. |
Bobby recreates Bobby's role. |
Daughter rebellious - to Max. |
Psycho DeNiro gets cheeky. |
Buff DeNiro terrorizes Nolte. |
Con stalks careless lawyer. |
Nick's Cady's fraidy-cat. |
Murderous Max menaces family. |
Lewis lights DeNiro's fire. |
Stalking DeNiro wants revenge. |
Nick: rare 'innocent' lawyer. |
Hammy melodrama. Marty's worst. |
Juliette: juicy jailbait jeopardized. |
Cady's craving: delicate Danielle. |
Mitchum, Peck: remake cameos. |
DeNiro's Max-imum pedophile performance. |
Scorsese remakes 'Fear'ful melodrama. |
DeNiro no Robert Mitchum. |
Bloody slippery kitchen floor! |
Parolee pronounces lawyer guilty. |
Remake switches Mitchum's side. |
Crass Cady blames Bowden. |
Menacing Max terrorizes teenager. |
DeNiro derails deceitful defender. |
Nick vexed. Juliette sexed. |
Convict advises his lawyer. |
Con teaches lawyer lesson. |
Creepy DeNiro stalks family. |
DeNiro terrorizes Carolina clan. |
DeNiro flaunts prison tattoos. |