Miller adaptation graphic, novel. |
Marv attempts Basin cleansing. |
Cleaning bottom of Basin. |
Eat hookers, Elijah Wood. |
Elijah gets Gugino's digits. |
Miller adapted with SINCerITY. |
Yellow Bastard's Hard-on Goodbye. |
Wood legless, Rourke plastered. |
Marv's night to dismember. |
Elijah makes whore d'oeuvres. |
Benicio wishes he flushed. |
Penile system jaundices molester. |
Yellow Bastard, no balls. |
Yellow Bastard gets disMEMBERed. |
Bondage babes blast baddies. |
Crazed Cannibal's bad hobbit. |
Monochromatic episodic graphic comic. |
Black, white, yellow, Red-riguez. |
Frankly disturbing serial Miller. |
Grey morals, local color. |
Alba steals Willis's Hartigan. |
Gugino: finger-sucking good. |
Bruce Willis bleeds cream. |
Even dead, Benicio prattles. |
Hartnett: gentleman lady-killer. |
Monochrome, red, yellow, noir. |
Comic adaptation displays verisiMILLERtude. |
Deadly game: Goldie pawn. |
Aoki makes Beni(cio) Hana. |
Glorious girl's greyscale gore. |
Benicio backfires, soon expires. |
Bastard molester sulfurs, dyes. |
Noir characters bleed white. |
Immobile Frodo feeds dog. |
Alba's non-nude stripper. |
Deflowering Bastard grows goldenrod. |
Nick's raping gets Stahl-ed. |
Hobbit has disgusting habit. |
Willis has heart (attack). |
Hartigan's heart hardly hearty. |
Miller time: filling, tasty. |
Rodriguez captures gritty Miller. |
Sleeping with Marv dangerous. |
Hookers: black and Dwight. |
Goldie's slipped a Mickey. |
Willis castrates Stahl. (Twice). |
Hartigan's hard-on for Nancy. |
Elijah's perfect character: silent. |
Hartnett finds Gilmore girl. |
Senator creates yellow menace. |
Basin hookers protect turf. |
Rodriguez films Miller's sins. |
Hartigan's heart fails again. |
Cannibalism, amputation, paedophilia, prostitution. |
Cannibal, paedophile, both dis-membered. |