Anger therapist's anger problem. |
Audience should be furious. |
Sandler won't spoon Nicholson... |
Jack's cad, Sandler's mad. |
Anger label angers Sandler. |
Therapy with porn lesbians. |
McEnroe insists he's out. |
Buddy system pumps Sandler. |
Adam: implosive; movie: BOMB! |
Therapy conspiracy cures Sandler. |
Sandler doesn't get Woody. |
Sandler strikes hot Irons. |
You feeling pretty....punk? |
Nicholson, Sandler trade barbs. |
Someone finally thumps Sandler! |
Nicholson gives Sandler Woody! |
Galaxia drags, Sandler down. |
Sandler's aggression Jacked up. |
Heather's death by chocolate. |
Nicholson angers angry Sandler. |
Bemused Buddist's Burning Buttcrack. |
'Porker' Graham chucks chocolate. |
Sandler tackles Buddhist bully. |
Jack sessions relax Waterboy. |
Shrink streches Sandler's sanity. |
Nicholson needs the therapist. |
Angry idiots chant 'goosfraba'. |
Sandler needs 'time-out'. |
Woody portrays transvestite hooker. |
Sandler's girlfriend initiates Anger. |
Sandler cracks, Buddy attacks. |
Nicholson cuddles with Sandler. |
Therapist needs treatment too. |
Sandler, Nicholson, feeling pretty. |
Arnie Shankman goes Buddhist. |
Arnie Shankman's giant wedgie. |
Jack's egg issues unresolved. |
Sandler suffers short fuses. |
Sandler Nicholson butt heads. |
Typical Sandler, unbeatable Jack. |
Nicholson cures doormat's rage. |
Deceitful bitch wangles proposal. |
Sandler is managing anger. |
Joker consoles Happy Gilmore. |
Girlfriend plays/ tortures boyfriend. |
Sandler's anger causes laughter. |
Sandler's patient, though provoked. |
Sandler underacts, Nicholson overacts. |
Pyschotherapist intimidates meek Milquetoast. |
Nicholson's psychotherapist: really cuckoo. |
Nicholson antagonizes Sandler. |
Sandler's stadium solicitation succeeds. |
Sandlers mad about Marisa. |
Buznik doesn't want Buddy. |
Nicholson manages Sandler's anger. |
Nicholson annoying, Sandler cloying. |
Tomei tricks furious fiance. |
Nude Nicholson spoons Sandler. |
Sandler: calm, angry, cheesy. |