Wayne's World (1992) |
119 reviews |
Film rated 3.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.9 / 5)
Wayne just (sch)wings it. |
World according to Garth. |
Beware: geeks airing rifts. |
Schwing Lowe schweet Carrere. |
Wayne makes Carrere move. |
Schwinging 'N' the Wayne. |
Steal Wayne's girl? Lowe. |
Schwingin' 'n' the Wayne. |
Myers, Lowe speak Chinese. |
Bohemian Rhapsody butchered. |
Wayne's wacky world wonderful. |
Mama mia figaro, magnifico! |
Alice Cooper praises Milwaukee. |
Hysterical, self-aware metal heads. |
Austin Powers's mis-spent youth. |
Mike Myers as Wayne(ker). |
Public access: cable rejects! |
Suburban Bohemians Rhapsodize. |
Wayne's, Garth's excellent adventure. |
Schwing low sweet Figaro. |
Wayne's Chinese impresses Carrere. |
Schwingers love Bugs Bunny. |
Bohemian Rhapsody is reborn! |
Excellent cable access show! |
Wayne, Garth, Planespotting. |
Boomers idealize own adolescence. |
Lowe elevates cable access. |
Myers re-popularizes Queen song. |
Myers Spheeris Worldly comedy. |
Bohemian Rhapsody sung badly. |
Nerds do Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Wayne visits Milly-whah-kay. |
Mullet desires Grey Poupon. |
Basement broadcaster tucks hair. |
Alice Cooper enlightens Wayne. |
Airhead dudes aren't worthy. |
Stalker's infatuation Boyles over. |
Myers uses Lowe basement. |
T-1000 stalks Wayne, Garth. |
Crullers! Cable! Cassandra! Cretinism! |
Teen rockers oggle knockers. |
Schwingers belay nighttime cable. |
Wayne's cable excess channel. |
Myers + Lowe's Cassandra crossing. |
Wayne gets ballroom blitzed. |
Mullets play air guitars. |
Dudes defeat evil executive. |
Cooper Causes Hero Worship. |
Wayne's wonderfully weird world. |
'Hey Mickey' embarrassingly irresistible. |
Benjamin sells Wayne's show. |
Comely Carrere courts klutz. |
Crullers. Cassandra. Koharski. Queen. |
Mirthmobile rhapsodizing. Stratocaster deifying. |
Mike Myers goes undergound. |
Mullet-ed Myers meets mate. |
Basement boys need babes. |
Corny, original 'Cable Guys'! |
Carrere as Cantonese Cassandra. |
Retards revive Bohemien Rhaposdy. |
Schwingers ruin Bohemian Rhapsody. |
Cable access garage rockers. |
Airplane watching, close up. |