Austin Powers In Goldmember (2002) |
156 reviews |
Film rated 3.1 / 5
(Chick rating: 2.4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.2 / 5)
Father, son: wholly gauche. |
Myers's absence of phallus. |
Beyonce's nod to blaxploitation. |
Bastard joins Weight Watchers. |
Evil raps before jailbreak. |
Cruise favours Dixie Normous. |
AU-stin Powers' third film. |
Crouching Tiger, Fat Bastard. |
Third Power's rather weak. |
Caine is Powers' fahzzer. |
Mystery man milking mojo. |
Thin Bastard, vaginal neckline. |
Britney's robotic singing exposed. |
Goldmember not Gold Oscar. |
Beyonce: Black to Future. |
Vierdo enjoys vinkie painting. |
Fahzza bonds with son(s). |
Mini-Me Vernes the tables. |
Expensive dick, cheap jokes. |
Scott Evil Needs Rogaine. |
Golden Meyers Production. |
Gold found in Nether-Lands. |
Myers's Golden Goose leaden. |
Austin horsePowers Godzilla. |
Meyers ridicules Dutch wonderfully. |
Britney's head disaSpears. Hooray. |
24-carat cocksman engrosses. |
Mojo miniscule. Stop now! |
Beyonc�'s Foxxy out-Powers Austin. |
Nigel, Austin, Dougie reunited. |
Goldmember keeps dead skin. |
Springer-ish plot shrivels dry. |
Beyonce proves ONLY Goldmember. |
Multiple Myers not golden! |
Myers reinvents Studio 54. |
Golden gonads perplex Powers. |
Austin's brother is Evil. |
DeVito not shortest actor. |
Man of mystery downspirals. |
Godzilla makes Austin-tacious appearance. |
Fat Bastard, thinner bastard. |
Austins' nephew turns evil. |
Villain produces golden bauble. |
Myers enacts golden performance. |
Villain's winky is golden. |
Golden Member; phallic key. |
Austin battles Golden Dutchman. |
Dr. Evil's rhyming escape. |
Meyers enjoys gold jokes. |
Fat Bastard befriends Jared. |
Myers beating dead horse. |
Beyonc� management cashes in. |
Meyer's Goldmember loses value. |
Myer's Golden touch lost. |