Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2009) |
110 reviews |
Film rated 3.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.8 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.5 / 5)
Dead as a Dumbledorenail. |
Albus leaves the building. |
Dumbledore hits the floor. |
Potter procures Prince's 'Potions'. |
Lavender: Awake, do-do Ron-Ron. |
Bloody nose, Blood's Book. |
Harry hunts hoax horcrux. |
Hogwarts needs new Headmaster. |
Voldermort's mob attack Hogwarts. |
Mixology intrigues teen wizard. |
Snape's nickname finally discovered. |
Snape's potions aid Potter. |
Draco masters Elder Wand. |
Harry misses Ginny's kisses. |
Harry's awash with memories. |
Hogwarts headmaster hits heaven. |
Harry commits potion plagiarism. |
Dumbledore endures Snape attack! |
Snape snaps! Dumbledore dead. |
Dumbledore dies, Potter cries. |
Harry hunts for horcruxes. |
Sneaky Snape does Dumbledore. |
Harry finally aces Potions. |
Re-cast headmaster casts lot. |
Hogwarts loses great leader. |
Ginger gets girls gagging. |
Malfoy kills bird, cries. |
Snape spells, Dumbledore dies. |
Harry snogger, hormonally Granger. |
Snape considers himself Prince. |
Malfoy: Closet; Death Eater. |
Malfoy stomps Harry's nose. |
Bellatrix tricks Hogwarts security. |
Snape sacrifices a queen. |
Richard Harris, Dumbledore reunite. |
Hermione, Harry love Weasleys. |
Shadowy cabinet overturns leader. |
Potter studies mysterious book. |
Slughorn shares Voldemort's secret. |
Draco doesn't destroy Dumbledore. |
Slughorn's knowledge causes strife. |
Potter Plagerises Princes Potions. |
Snape violently kills Dumbledore. |
Dumbledore's depiction of death... |
Harry's hesitant Hogwarts returnee. |
Helpless Potter, Dumbledore slaughtered. |
Half-Blood Prince all traitor. |
The Real World: Hogwarts. |
Used textbook provides spell. |
Dumbledore stumbles o'er... Dead! |
Dumbledore falls for plot. |
Hermione vomits over Lav. |
Dumbledore's memorial- white tomb. |
Potter becomes quidditch captain. |