Sure Thing, The (1985) |
51 reviews |
Film rated 4 / 5
(Chick rating: 5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.8 / 5)
Cusack's cross-country copulation quest. |
Freshman's long distance promise. |
John Cusack's (b)road trip. |
Nicolette will let Cusack. |
Surety untouched; Cusack's forgiven. |
Quality shirtwear taste admired. |
Edwards pimps for Cusack. |
Student chases free shag. |
Cusack's cross-'cunt'ry trek. |
Hitchhiking to see hottie. |
Braniac becomes beer maniac! |
Zuniga shotguns beer badly. |
Westbound student seeks Californication. |
Rob Reiner's road romance. |
Reiner channels Capra's 'Night'. |
Cusack's Zunigatic road trip. |
Caroling with 'good-looking' guys. |
Robbins plays undead Cooper. |
Trailer has airtight security. |
Cusack's pork rind pontifications. |
Robbins disregards Cusack's 'Feelings'. |
Horny traveller prefers Zuniga. |
Cusack passes Zuniga test. |
Robbins' greatest showtune hits. |
Student suffers shortshrift, showtunes. |
California offers score guarantee. |
Showtunes as torture device. |
Libidinous collegian's fornication quest. |
College student's twisted romance. |
Cusack's son, not Elliot. |
Cusack questions liquid soap. |
Cusack chases sex, Zuniga. |
Gib orders spritzer trough. |
Pizza essay covers ratio. |
Cusack rejects desperate Nicolette. |
Concupiscent Cusack crosses country. |
Edwards assures 'Sure Thing'. |
Pussy pursuit goes bicoastal. |
Essay proves Cusack's gay. |
Edwards scores? Cusack can't? |
Snub sexpot, seduce swot. |