Rocky II (1979) |
77 reviews |
Film rated 3.2 / 5
(Chick rating: 2.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.2 / 5)
Carl Rocks, Sly Weathers. |
Adrian, Apollo knocked up. |
Rocky retries Apollo mission. |
Rocky knocky Apollo's blocky. |
Stallion breeds, becomes thoroughbred. |
Sly undermines Apollo's Creed. |
Yo, Adrian's comatose too. |
Paulie KO's pregnant sister. |
Implausible double knockdown exciting. |
Rocky makes heavy Weathers. |
Rocky fights Creed again. |
Adrian's u-turn facilitates rematch. |
Heavyweights box welterweight pace. |
Heavyweights on fast forward. |
Apollo gets Rocky beating. |
Creed regrets taunting Rocky. |
Cocky Creed's crown collected. |
Stallone Weathers knock-out punch. |
The "No Rematch!" Rematch. |
Balboa finally sees victory. |
Stallion wins heavyweight championship. |
Apollo crash lands canvas. |
Stallion sires Shire's son. |
Balboa's bambino is born. |
Stallone's second southpaw saga. |
Rocky's face gets makeover. |
Meatpacker trains, pursuing poultry. |
Cartoon taunts Italian Stallion. |
Italian Stallion swings again. |
Angry Apollo strikes back. |
Apollo Creed loses rematch. |
Rocky trains for rematch. |
Creed's clock cleaned cornily. |
Mauler marries, spawns son. |
Greed, Creed, Bleed, Puh-leaase! |
Retires, Marries, Trains, Wins. |
Stallion switches southpaw stance. |
Creed's greed his downfall. |
Adrian's coma dispirits Balboa. |
Unemployed boxer finds creed. |
Rematch lacks original's punch. |
Second helping, Rocky road. |
Rocky's ruthless revenge. |
Rocky rocks the champion. |
Chump finally beats champ. |