Back To The Future Part III (1990) |
126 reviews |
Film rated 3.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.6 / 5)
DeLorean driver is trained. |
Train wreck ends trilogy. |
Time travellers choose rail. |
Emmett plays with cowboys. |
Eastwood handles 'Mad Dog'. |
Eastwood; awful cowboy's name?? |
Tannen's manure phobia commences. |
Doc's Delorean needs gas. |
McFly's Western Train adventure. |
Doc's Family: Jules, Verne. |
19th century fuel crisis. |
Biff's ancestor also dick. |
Time travelers horse around. |
Delorean retired appropriately. |
Doc gives up time-traveling. |
Doc schtupps Mary Steenbergen. |
Doc dances, gains girlfriend. |
Time traveling train? Lame. |
Western should've stayed Back. |
Eastwood wears pink shirts?? |
Future franchise gets old. |
Delorean destoyed by time-train. |
Mad Dog terrorises McFly. |
Marty steams into future. |
DeLorean replaced by train. |
Flying car, flying train. |
Schoolmarm falls for Doc. |
Eccentric goes completely loco |
Trilogy reaches timely ending. |
DeLorean meets train, maker.. |
Clint Eastwood visits Valley. |
Delorean done, Doc steamed. |
'Future' trilogy's black sheep. |
DeLorean broke, took train. |
Ancestor meets Fox-y descendant. |
Fox railroads past future. |
Stove as bulletproof vest. |
Doc Brown goes Steampunk. |
Clara's kisses enfeeble Emmett. |
'Eastwood' crashes into ravine! |
Fox: West's shortest cowboy. |
Doc creates flying train. |
DeLorean not train proof. |
Leaves Lloyd, audience behind. |
Past, future, Fox, frisbees. |
Fox disrespects Eastwood's name! |
'Future' wagon heads west. |
Fixing the Marty paradox. |
Threequel drags out West. |