Alien: Resurrection (1997) |
129 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.7 / 5)
Ripley's death greatly exaggerated. |
Ripley's dead, believe? Not! |
Ripley's nice queen clone. |
Finally, let Ripley R.I.P. |
Jean-Pierre JeunE.T. film. |
Ripley Torn Between Species. |
Queen Ripley's clonely life. |
Winona steals Ripley's genes!! |
Human/alien Weaved together. |
Ripley undergoes alien autopsy. |
Resurrected Ripley wreaks revenge. |
Stepdaughter is an alien. |
Ripley revives; franchise dies. |
Hybrid powers Ripley's resurrection. |
Winona caught stealing again. |
Weaver entangles uneasy Ryder. |
Shoplifters will be eaten. |
Clone weaves alien destruction. |
Ripley dunks behind back. |
Ripley, Ryder, running riot. |
Ripley finally goes home. |
Ripley created 'Jurassic' style. |
Raelian cloner's wet dream. |
Ripley plays homecoming queen. |
Ellen mothers mortal enemy. |
Ripley cloned; original superior. |
Weren't Aliens once scary? |
Winona swipes Ripley's thunder. |
Ripley cloned, writers stoned. |
Shoplifting robot helps clone. |
Whedon, Winona replace Weaver. |
Ripley: potential Harlem Globetrotter. |
Raunchy Ripley smooches critters. |
Ripley cloned. Audience clowned. |
Ripley burned, still returns. |
Souped up, acidic Ripley. |
'8th' Ripley flames clones. |
Ripley's test-tube travails. |
Frenchy fudges faltering franchise. |
Ripley hybrid alienates fans. |
Ripley clone manages massacre. |
Ripley's cloning goes wrong. |
Cloned Ripley: WNBA star. |
Ripley practices flamethrower euthanasia. |
Sci-fi franchise not Resurrected. |
Aliens swim; outlook grim. |
Ripley's fourth time unlucky! |
Stork delivers Sigourney surprise. |
Sigourney, Alien hot sex. |
Aliens in 'Poseidon Adventure'. |
Alien leaves through window. |
Awful Alien clone spawned. |
Farcical alien family romp. |
Cloned Ripley, cloned movie. |
Ryder: Ripley-in-training. |
Repro-Ripley, Robo-Ryder. |
Screenwriters destroy hybrid alien. |
Ryder android not surprising. |
Ripley resurrection ill-conceived. |
BBQ'd Ripley = Reanimated clone. |
E.T. calls Ripley 'Home'. |
Hybrid Ripley Saves Humanity. |
Weaver worries Ryder's robot. |
Ripley, Alien, form bond. |
Resurrected Ripley gets Ryder. |
Ripley's final alien encounter. |
Ripley becomes brood mare. |
Alien: shouldn't be resurrected. |
Sigourney's swishes: sci-fi silliness! |
Ryder revealed as robotic. |
Ryder's a pretty android. |
'Resurrection' buries original premise. |
Ripley shares Queen's DNA. |