8 Mile (2002) |
146 reviews |
Film rated 3.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.3 / 5)
Plot: Slim. Acting: Shady. |
Eminem shows range: none. |
Rapping is Shady business. |
Rabbit's, Watership-hop Down! |
White chocolate M&M rapper. |
M(ekhi) & M(arshall) movie. |
Angry rapper slays lyrically. |
Hip-hop in Rabbit's Future. |
Murphy shags like Rabbit. |
Crossing 8 Mile, worthwhile! |
Eminem: Wrong street side. |
Who Named Marshall Rabbit? |
Rabbit, dawgs, bitches... Shelter. |
White trash, black music. |
Rabbit burrows rap niche. |
Phifer proves Marshall matters. |
'Glitter' with more swearing. |
Eminem plays Eminem well. |
Repellent prick makes flick. |
Poor rapper becomes... poorer. |
Rapper's metre goes distance. |
Clueless chick screws Eminem. |
Eminem's thespian eminence imminent? |
Trailer trash becomes smash! |
Mathers' Rabbit manneredly eminent. |
Rhyming slanderer earns respect. |
Eminem defends homosexual. Unlikely. |
White trash battles b(l)ack. |
Laugh. Cry. Earn respect. |
Eminem's autobiographical 'one shot'. |
Little rapper that could. |
Peroxided bimbo makes film. |
Skanky ho-tographer screws Rabbit. |
Eminem plays Vanilla Ice. |
Eminem's B-Rabbit: rap-turous. |
Eminem plays self successfully. |
Eminem 'Marshalls' amazing performance. |
Rapper Marshals acting skills. |
Rapper youngsters prove talent. |
Eminem takes one opportunity. |
Batman's bitch's Marshall's mom. |
Quasi-autobiographical rapper's life. |
Trailer dweller, rapping storyteller. |
Eminem raps, gets rapped. |
Starts crappy, ends rappy. |
Eminem melts under pressure. |
Eminem: Pretty good actor. |
Trailer trash wins battle. |
Outstanding portrayal of Mathers. |
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