Night At The Museum (2006) |
93 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.9 / 5)
Museum of Living History. |
Jurassic Park meets Jumanji. |
Mickey Rooney, living dinosaur. |
Exhibits play nightly, Daley. |
Exhibits: mobile; Ben: stiller. |
Stiller's an exhibitionist. |
Stiller's late night boner. |
Skinless T-Rex plays catch. |
Romans, Countrymen not friends. |
Nothing inhibits museum exhibits. |
Stiller's statue slumber party. |
Stiller exhibits himself. |
Teddy Roosevelt covets Sacajawea. |
Museum of Supernatural History. |
Owen aids Octavius dioramically. |
Nocturnal, skeletal, Tyrannosaurus Fetch. |
Daley works a battlefield. |
Historical figures wax nostalgic. |
Stiller slaps the monkey. |
Statues no longer Still...er? |
Stiller calms museum's wars. |
Robin Williams' OTHER 'awakenings'. |
Museum enjoys active nightlife. |
Stiller's animals not still. |
Gervais doesn't finish his. |
Museum nights, boogie nights. |
Taxidermy's downright squirmy. |
Lifelike exhibits like life. |
Natural History dioramas: unnatural! |
Gallager: Hun-gry for pillaging. |
Nocturnal history comes alive. |
Museum exhibits nocturnally animated. |
Museum tests guard Daley. |
Teddy Roosevelt dates Sakagewa. |
Night gig, history lesson. |
Static displays exhibit life. |
Waxen Teddy assists Stiller. |
Lewis, Clark argue nightly. |
Stiller reprimands exhibits, Williams. |
Starsky now dwarfs Hutch. |
Cowboys, Romans in Cupboard. |
Animals have lively nightlife. |
Museum rips off 'Mannequin'. |
Teddy waxes lyrical nightly. |
Egyptian history museum mystery. |
Jedediah's shame - gun impotence. |
Babysitting enchanted exhibits. |
Eloquent Mummy seeks tablet. |
Stiller exhibits leadership qualities. |
Stiller stays strange shift. |
Daley's Nightly Magic Show. |
Stiller pulls an all-nighter. |
Achives come alive, jive. |
Unnatural history unnaturally resuscitates. |
Unnatural natural history. |
Rough Robin's superior Jumanji. |
Museum mishaps rekindle relationship. |
Robin romances sweet Sacajewea. |
Wax Robin coaches Stiller. |
Stiller's performance towers Owen's. |
Sacajawea gets Roughrider |
Museum's manic mannequin: Mork. |
Presidential Williams advises Stiller. |
Jedediah makes Larry pay. |
Attila's stiller quite menacing. |
Akmenrah tablet animates Museum. |
Teddy's stalkin' hottie squaw. |
History's Stiller mirror. |