Few Good Men, A (1992) |
126 reviews |
Film rated 3.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.8 / 5)
Adventures of Tom lawyer. |
Nicholson rotten to corps. |
Guantanamo: Few proud Marines. |
Cruise explores Marine life. |
Tom, Demi Gitmo satisfaction. |
Cruise handles truth, Demi. |
Kaffee creams the prosecution. |
Tom handles Jack's truth. |
Bacon grills the defendants. |
One dead marine = freedom? |
Nicholson's breakfasts sound precarious. |
Cruise handles truth well. |
Jack decides Guantanamo realities. |
Navy seals marine's mouth. |
Cruise-ing for the truth. |
Marines on Cruise control. |
Moore attempts Cruise control. |
Jack cracks in courtroom. |
Nicholson handles the truth. |
Uniform flawless, Nicholson not. |
Cruise cleans Navy's General. |
Nicholson chews courtroom scenery. |
Cruise sizzles Bacon, Nicholson. |
Guantanemo Marines kill Marine. |
Jessep's defense is hazy. |
Gitmo's legal marine idolatry. |
Military prank turns deadly. |
Cruise handles truth, Nicholson. |
Slick, witty, Cruise-controlled. |
PFC earns Corporal (punishment). |
Nicholson proudly defending abuse. |
Cruise cooks Kevin's bacon! |
Jack's motto: 'Temper Fidelis'. |
Maverick marshalls court-martial. |
Cruise catches marine animal. |
Nicholson stupidly confesses crime. |
Nicholson's ego on trial. |
Nicholson orders Marine's murder. |
Truth gets Jack arrested. |
Tom Cruises through trial. |
Cruise hits the Jackplot. |
Softball, lawyering strikingly similar. |
Truth handled, Nicholson candled. |
Navy offers marine Cruise. |
Cruise's skull = Jack's bathroom? |
Gitmo than bargained for. |
Truth hurts Jack instead. |
Marines can't handle morality. |
Fenceline shooting provokes attack. |
Cruise corners cagey colonel. |
Rough treatment kills recruit. |
Impetuous Demi mouths off. |
Nicholson mishandles the truth. |
Jack denied Kaffee-break. |
Military coverup. Courtroom revelation. |
Jack's military meltdown. |
Private dead, CODE RED!!!!! |
Tom + Jack = shouting match. |
Proud Marine brought down. |
Nicholson at defiant best. |
Marines leave Santiago chilly. |
Typical Marine arrogance prosecuted. |
Demi strenuously objects. |
Jack's attacks: Cruise stews. |
Cruise's bat solves case. |
Guest gives Stone-cold testimony. |
Kaffee questions Jessup's parentage |
Kaffee loses steak knives. |
Cruise sucks at softball. |
Daniel doesn't like flying. |
Cruise finally plays hardball. |
Nicholson orders disorder. |
Nicholson covers-up Code Red. |