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The Four Word Film Review
Philosophy professor protects prodigy.
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Tempest Toss'd
Tempest Toss'd
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All films in accolade 'Tempest Toss'd' (AC )

Objective: You're a powerful Duke, presiding happily over Milan, with an infant daughter and a loyal band of confederates. Then one night your closest and oldest advisor tells you that your no-good brother plans to kill you and take your position, and the only option is to flee. Armed with a library of books and little else, you drift until you hit upon an island uninhabited by anything that the Western world knows. With magic and colonialist tendencies, you subdue the islanders and put them into service, and it's not until some dozen years later that fate casts your enemies on the shores of the Enchanted Island, wrecked in a Tempest concocted by your loyal spirits. Review every film adaptation of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', one of his very last plays and often considered one of his greatest.

Matches 1 to 10 out of 10

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Reviews available Forbidden Planet (1956)
Reviews available Je Rentre � La Maison (2001)
Reviews available Prospero's Books (1991)
Reviews available Tempest (1982)
Reviews available Tempest, The (1979)
Reviews available Tempest, The (1980)
Reviews available Tempest, The (1908)
Reviews available Tempest, The (1998)
Reviews available Tempest, The (2010)
Reviews available Tempest, The (2012)
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