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 Avatar Contest #343 - Tools

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Larry Posted - 12/02/2010 : 04:03:40

Continuing with "T" words, let's see what we can do with:

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/09/2010 : 00:41:53
Wow! Thanks guys!

Just gimme a moment to sharpen my wits and I'll get back with something else to tempt you

Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/08/2010 : 23:09:52
Before I pull out the Tools, please put your safety glasses on ...

This week: 7 entrants and 7 voters.

In a second place tie, with 8 points (22211) ...

He threw in the trowel ...

Larry !!

In second place too, with 8 points (2231) ...

The vise president ...

Koli !!

And in first place, with 10 points (3313) ...

Is that a caulk gun or a stud finder? ...

BaftaBabe !!!

It's official, the Fwiffers love this kind of prurient smut!
Congrats, BB! You plane routed the competition.
Now pick a new topic. Don't make me axe you twice.

Larry Posted - 12/08/2010 : 22:04:00

This is on the Level -- I voted.
TitanPa Posted - 12/08/2010 : 20:41:47
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Who is to judge what is X-rated and what isn't?

It's up to the Fwiffers to draw their own lines in the sand.

That's all the encouragement I needed.

PS voted.

Awhile back it was the only way to get votes. I think we matured though.....NOT

btw....axed in my vote
Koli Posted - 12/08/2010 : 20:27:10
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Who is to judge what is X-rated and what isn't?

It's up to the Fwiffers to draw their own lines in the sand.

That's all the encouragement I needed.

PS voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/07/2010 : 16:29:21
OK someone's getting screwed ... I voted

MguyXXV Posted - 12/06/2010 : 14:43:41
I nailed in 3 votes.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/06/2010 : 12:32:27
You know the drill, vote away at
MguyXXV Posted - 12/06/2010 : 06:44:11
Damned anti-wrenchists!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/05/2010 : 15:54:40
Who is to judge what is X-rated and what isn't?

It's up to the Fwiffers to draw their own lines in the sand.

Larry Posted - 12/04/2010 : 23:00:51

It's just a wrench shaped like a hand. What you do with it is your own business.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 12/04/2010 : 16:37:06
Please could there be a rule against X-rated entries? It's really embarrassing logging into the Fourum at the moment thanks to one person's avatar!

Koli Posted - 12/03/2010 : 22:53:29
I don't think for a minute that it's a true story.

Another one I heard at about that time went something like this...

What does Joan Collins put behind her ears to attract men? Answer: her feet.

Very unfair, I'm sure you'll agree.

You may also be wondering why I can remember jokes from 30 years ago but can't always remember to vote in this contest. Oh dear, was that a confession? Sorry.
Koli Posted - 12/03/2010 : 22:49:03
This reminds me of a story about Joan Collins that I first heard over 30 years ago when she was only just beyond her prime and had a somewhat sluttish reputation based on a couple of film appearances (notably The stud).

It's said that she went everywhere with a handy tool kit including an adjustable spanner and a screwdriver. One day she was being driven to a meeting and her car broke down. Her chauffeur lifted the bonnet lid and stared at the engine. Mechanical problems weren't his strong suit. He fiddled with a few components and scratched his head.

Joan leant out of the window and asked: 'would you like a screwdriver?'

'I might as well', came the reply. 'I can't fix the bloody car'.

This, in case you're wondering, is a screwdriver. It's made with vodka and (preferably fresh) orange juice.
MguyXXV Posted - 12/02/2010 : 22:53:09
Originally posted by 11Babe

That one didn't come in my toolbox!

That would have been messy.

From a funny little site I call Hot Chicks with Douchebags, here's a recent entry, because this guy is a total tool.

As you may gather, HCwD houses photos of, you guessed it, hot chicks with some total douchey looking dudes. How do they do it? (Money!)

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