Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) |
207 reviews |
Film rated 3.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.4 / 5)
Iraqi horror picture show. |
Bush pronounces it 'nucular'. |
Bush fiddles, Iraq burns. |
Moore apparently dislikes Bush. |
Michael Moore's 'President Evil'. |
Gripping book distracts President. |
Saudi's hiding behind Bush. |
Unnecessary violence and Gore. |
Moore: Disney's hot potato. |
Senior/ Junior, dumb/ dumber. |
Dem.-I Moore exposes Bush. |
Michael wins Palme d'Moore. |
Moore's incendiary Saudi journalism. |
One Moore conspiracy theory. |
42 day vacation interrupted. |
Terrorists get George's goat. |
Bush takin' Moore punishment. |
Michael Moore goes Bush-whacking. |
Bush in Moore controversy. |
Bush's arsenal of hypocrisy. |
Madness of President George. |
Flabby filmmaker blasts Bush. |
The temperature Bush burns. |
Bush reads kindergarten book. |
Goat book takes priority. |
Moore'll Dubya a criminal. |
Moore tries burning Bush. |
Temperature which burns Bush. |
America attacked = vacant stare. |
Moore ridicules homeland security. |
George, Oilwells... 2004? |
Moore raises Disney's temperature. |
Goat jeopardises America's security. |
Bush reads, terror breeds. |
Moore raises Bush's temperature. |
President Evil: Apackolies. |
Goat story distracts President. |
Wolfowitz dispenses styling gel. |
Gore accepts electile dysfuntion. |
Bushes trade with Ladens. |
Moore Bush-whacks the President. |
Bush's high temp struggle. |
Kirkuk, mines and stinker. |
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