National Treasure (2004) |
81 reviews |
Film rated 3.5 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.4 / 5)
America: treasure eye-land? |
Fortunes, Freemasonry, Founding Fathers. |
America's hidden pyramid scheme. |
Independence now lemon-scented. |
Bill, Gates's great wealth. |
Gates's Chase yields booty. |
Founding Fathers are riddlers. |
Bruckheimer's 'The DaVinci Code'. |
Cage collects valuable autographs. |
Nic annoys Treasury Department. |
Funky glasses illuminate Declaration. |
Treasure Plummed then Caged. |
Finding Founding Father's fortune. |
Cage finds Independence haul. |
American icons: treasure map. |
Nic finds Illuminati gold. |
Document documents Caged treasure. |
Cagey escapades for treasure. |
American history engages Cage. |
Treasure expertly Nicked! |
Cage teaches American history. |
Founding Fathers' hidden booty. |
Founding fathers' scavenger hunt. |
Cage's Gates, vault's opened. |
Declaration of Indy Jones-esque. |
Stolen treasure: DaVinci Code. |
Declaration declares treasure here! |
Nicholas nicks golden knick-knack. |
Nicholas 'Indiana Jones' Cage. |
Treasure clues on greenbacks. |
Billionaire Bean has-been. |
Manhattan; treasure island. |
Romans, Templars, Freemasons... Cage. |
Cage gets treasure, girl. |
Cage juices the Declaration. |
Declaration gets liberty. |
Secret lies with Charlotte. |
Another Voight Illuminati flick? |
Poor DaVinci Code wanna-be. |
Cage Steals Declaration Independence? |
National (history hides) Treasure. |
Cage unravels treasure's truths. |
Gates steals, Shaw falls. |
Bean Cage-d, America revealed. |
Drop girl, save Declaration. |
Cage shoplifts Declaration. |
Declaration: Treasured Map. |
Nic nicks National document. |
Declaration hides hidden treasure. |
Keitel, FBI agent, freemason. |
Freemasons hide incredible treasure. |
Cage chases family legacy. |
Underground Railroad of treasure. |
Declaration released from Cage. |
Cage chases Independence secrets. |
Cage holds American history. |
Plummer's tale includes pipe(s). |
Voight's Deliverance dictates Declaration. |
Declaration holds Blue(s) clues. |
F(ascinating) B(ruckheimer) I(lluminati) intrigue. |
Cage makes clear Declaration. |
F(amily) B(elieved) I(lluminati) tale. |
Masons build elaborate enclave. |
Cage steals unstealable document. |
Cage tracks treasure cache. |