Ella Enchanted (2004) |
36 reviews |
Film rated 3.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.6 / 5)
Vivica: Black, Magic woman. |
Giants resent stereotypes, Grimm. |
Elf prefers law practice. |
Princess Bride meets Cinderella. |
Cinderella gets compelling twist. |
Anne Hathaway with Cinderella. |
Ella advocates elvish equality. |
Dancy Hathaway with Ella. |
'Cinderella' meets 'Shrek'. |
Idle narration punishes Ella. |
Hexed slavish princess? Yum! |
Prince hears giants' needs. |
Anne Hathnoway to refuse. |
Spell forces obedient Cinderella. |
Spellbound belle isn't quelled. |
Dutiful Ella's royal fella. |
'Shrek' with people? Nah. |
Subservience spell makes (k/C)inder-Ella. |
Ella finds Char-ming ending. |
Hathaway obeys, escapes curse. |
Hathaway obeys every command. |
Highly-suggestable Hathaway's mis-adventures. |
Obedient Ella meets prince. |
Spellbound belle's not quelled. |