Blood Work (2002) |
31 reviews |
Film rated 2.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.7 / 5)
Eastwood's change of heart. |
A-positive Eastwood review. |
Cinematic infraction, myocardial infarction. |
Daniels engineers Eastwood valentine. |
Eastwood chases donor's killer. |
Transplant recipient investigates murder. |
Clint does donor's sister. |
Sleeping policeman investigates murder. |
Eastwood's heart gets renewed. |
Clint's heart, and soles. |
Clint's pump action falters. |
Eastwood/ movie needs CPR. |
Crackerjack Clint crime caper. |
Killer's motive unbelievable stretch. |
Kid smiles when inappropriate. |
Eastwood shouldn't remove shirt. |
Oldie bypasses failed health. |
Eastwood's all-heart mystery. |
Psycho supplies Eastwood's organs. |
Neighbourly killer taunts Clint. |
Clint investigates killer neighbour. |
Clint investigates donor's murder. |
Terry traces transplant, killer. |
Highly predictable angioplasty flick. |