Story Of Menstruation, The (1946) |
108 reviews |
Film rated 1.4 / 5
(Guy rating: 0.9 / 5)
The original 'Crimson Tide'. |
Documentary seems padded. |
Invasion of bloody snatches. |
Best menstruation movie. Period. |
Period piece. No costumes. |
Starring Scarlet-Flow-hansson? |
Kotex product 'placement'. |
Black, white menstrual show. |
Menstruation invaginated. Colourless. |
Documentary needs padding out. |
Showing: Limited Period Only! |
Film without pregnant pauses. |
Walt Disney's 'Snow Red'. |
Twenty-eight days later... |
A bloody good documentary. |
Bloody Mary, Emma, Lisa ... |
Bloody period of history. |
Plot interrupted periodically. |
Bleed, pad, stop, repeat. |
Menstruation demonstration. |
Another bloody period piece?!? |
Disney performs menstrual show. |
Another 'bloody' educational film. |
Education on menstruation. |
Examining 'Dracula's Tea Bag'. |
This documentary flows nicely. |
Story from monthly periodical. |
Walt Disney's First Blood. |
Woman's movement: bloody mess. |
Focuses on vagina, period. |
Spot; animated flow; stop. |
Disney combats red menace. |
Instructs use of Minnie-pads. |
History cramped with bloodshed. |
Menstruating subjects appear drawn. |
Disney's tale of bloodshed. |
Movie really flows, period! |
Period starts, ends story. |
Disney tells everything. Period. |
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