Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996) |
32 reviews |
Film rated 4.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4 / 5)
Captive audience parodies picture. |
Nelson destroys the Hubble! |
Mediocre movies mercilessly mocked. |
Movie dialog overdubbed vitriolically. |
Three viewers crack wise. |
Robot hecklers heckle movie. |
Nelson's cheesy movie torture. |
Robots talk through movie. |
Silhouettes heckle movies mercilessly. |
Film critics aren't human. |
Film's critics criticise film. |
Nelson mocks this Island. |
Hecklers demolish corny epic. |
Filmed filmgoers crack wise. |
Silver screen displays S.O.L. |
Wacky robots espousing witticisms. |
Regaling robots review Earth. |
Judge Nelson's sci-fi mockery. |
Satellite holds witty prisoners. |
Satellite mocks Island Earth. |
Hilarious mad scientist 'experiment'. |
B-Movie features added soundtrack. |
Alien foreheads draw wisecracks. |
Robots mock crappy movie. |