Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The (2012) |
82 reviews |
Film rated 3.7 / 5
(Chick rating: 4 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.7 / 5)
Halfling's story: first half. |
Prequel becoming a hobbit. |
Desperate Dwarves hire Hobbit. |
Toward '...of the Rings'. |
Bilbo gets Hearth attack. |
Jackson's rather expected prequel. |
Dwarves demand Bilbo Bagman. |
Sneaky Smeagol meets Hobbit. |
Bilbo journeys: There ... |
Another Hobbit walkabout. |
Bilbo blazes Frodo's trail. |
An Unexpectedly Slow Story. |
Homebody hobbit ventures off. |
Live-action 'Hobbit' still drawn-out. |
Vertically challenged Inglourious Basterds. |
Dwarves Desire Dragons Den. |
Freeman's Bilbo sets out. |
Hobbit acquires new habits. |
Bilbo's elvan sword's Sting |
Hobbit: A Disappointed Audience. |
Freeman, pack your Baggins |
Thank goodness, changed 'Hobbit'. |
Jackson starts new hobbit. |
Bilbo's hobbit forming experience. |
Bilbo becomes troll snot-rag. |
Radagast, Necromancer interlude baffles. |
Jackson overextends Bilbo's adventures. |
Bilbo becomes troll snot. |
Halfling becomes honorary dwarf. |
Radagast runs with rabbits. |
Rock fight peppers dwarves. |
Great Goblin's scrotum chin. |
Bilbo steals the precious. |
Gandalf employs pinecone defense. |
Unexpected: Party, Adventure, Trolls. |
Dwarves invade hobbit privacy. |
Bilbo keepers, Gollum weepers. |
Elves got air superiority. |
Living large in Hobbiton. |
Journey dwarfed by trilogy. |
Spiders 'rad', wizard aghast |
Brown Wizard - is 'green' |
Freeman's ringer for Bilbo |
Hobbit somewhat mirrors Silmarillion. |
Gollum loses birthday present. |
Hobbit leaves comfort zone |
Radagast's ruse?
Rabbit-reliant. |
Journey: don't stop believin'. |
Dwarves suffer housing crisis. |
Expected "Journey." Escape. Frontiers. |
Journey: In The Beginning. |
Trolling becomes bad Hobbit. |