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Antz (1998) |
132 reviews |
Film rated 3.8 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.9 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.8 / 5)
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Anty social behaviour: order. |
Anty establishment movie. |
Ant: 'e diss establishmentarianism. |
Woody seeks shrunken shrink. |
Woody Allen's Manhattant. |
Goody Allen, Crazy Stallone. |
Woody: Ant-zee war activist. |
Z triumphs over miscre-antz. |
Woody cast as six-'foot'er?? |
Allen: 'Life's no picnic'. |
Ant hero desires individuality. |
A'llen, N'erdy T'wit Z'4195. |
Stallone and Stone reunited. |
Ant-y totalitarian flick. |
Z's rebellion, mord-ant satire. |
Z: revolutionary, underground, insectile. |
Woody's 'pest' movie ever! |
Woody's anguished ant prevails. |
Annoying Woody 'bugs' everyone. |
Communist ants' red army. |
Woody Allen becomes defi-ant. |
Allen never looked better! |
Allen typecast as insect. |
Soldier ant loves Princess. |
Allen averts ant apocalypse. |
Egocentric ant discovers self. |
Allen's most animated role. |
Stallone plays millit-ant. |
Bugz challenge class structure. |
Comedian delivers boy-ant performance. |
Bugz with celebritiez voicez. |
General attempts worker drowning. |
Ants dance to Guantanamera. |
Animated ant saves colony. |
'Them!' tell their story. |
Ant leaves proletariat colony. |
Mandible manipulates insect masses. |
Warner's other Bugs life. |
Mildly amusing animated ants. |
Woody's six-legged neurotic. |
Glover comes out (a)head. |
Orwellian entomological ant-ics. |
Dreamworks apes Pixar; fails. |
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