Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) |
55 reviews |
Film rated 3.8 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.2 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.9 / 5)
Klingons kick Kirk's keister. |
Geriatric crew still Klingon. |
Trek with Scooby-Doo ending. |
Cocky captain goes penal. |
Geriatrics preach from space. |
Spock hunts gravity boots. |
Klingon blood resembles Pepto-Bismol. |
Condemned Kirk, kindly Klingons. |
Hurrah! No stupid whales. |
Kirk kisses self . . . sorta. |
Klingons dying, Kirk rejoicing. |
Interstellar Ruskies quote Bard. |
Klingons get Shakespeare wrong. |
Kirk grudgingly befriends Klingons. |
Kirks kibosh Klingon treaty. |
Ozone forces Klingon contriteness. |
Bones malpractices on Klingon. |
Slater consigned to ensign. |
Kirk jailed, crew suspicious. |
Extra toes prove innocence. |
Klingon Captain butchers Bard. |
Klingons: silent but deadly. |
Klingon cries, creates havoc. |
Crew's final destination: Neverland! |
Intergalactic Cold War ends. |
'Manchurian Candidate' in space. |
Spock slaps Vulcan slapper. |
Captains curtail cosmic conspiracy. |
Klingon peacemaker assassinated: conspiracy! |
Klingons don't want peace. |
Cool gravity-free murder spree. |
Kirk as conflicted narcissist. |
Enterprise rides into sunset. |
Speak... slowly, klingons good? |
Vulcan Cattrall deserves catcalls. |
Shatner earns double-time. |