Starsky & Hutch (2004) |
119 reviews |
Film rated 3.5 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.4 / 5)
Starsky, Hutch, Huggy Dogg. |
Starsky narky, Hutch hot. |
Iguana lessons at gunpoint. |
Cocaine-coffee: Ben appetite! |
Surprise pony gets surprised. |
Wilson's Hutch accommodates Dogg. |
Stiller drinks coke, freaks. |
Stiller beats dead horse. |
Starsky: The Next Generation. |
Diminutive detectives beat baron. |
Stiller shoots boss; excellent!!! |
Stiller likes 'powdered' sugar. |
Stiller rides Glaser's motor. |
Coffee banned from Tourino. |
Huge cardie makes comeback. |
Ferrell likes Wilson's oatmeal. |
Starsky, Hutch Snoop around. |
Wilson finally kisses Stiller! |
Afro cardied cop's 'sugar'-rush. |
Dogg outshines remade cops. |
Snoop, wired caddie Doggsbody. |
Stiller de-tails Dogg's iguana. |
Marcel Marceau shoots pony. |
Stiller,Torino make splash. |
Starsky protects Little Ben. |
Stiller's suger-free coffee. |
Stiller, Wilson go Snooping. |
Dogg's iguana's tail's gone. |
Hutch's gleesome threesome. |
Glaser, Soul accept homage. |
Snoop raps cops knuckles. |
Stiller makes great coffee. |
Polyester police ride again. |
Stiller drives Torino swimmingly. |
Shoot-out at Pony Corrall. |
Huggy bear snoops around. |
Snoop informs Starsky, Hizzle. |
Frenetic Starsky, be Stiller. |
Marceau's murder pony club. |
Hutch taps Electra's Oedipus. |
Originals provide replacement Torino. |
Starsky unwittingly chooses 'coke'. |
Vaughn's coke without Equal. |
Stiller, Wilson: easy riders. |
Starsky, Hutch meet themselves. |
Farrell pushes Wilson's button. |
Ferrell dragonises 70s cops. |
Snoop. Snoops. Misfire. Oops! |
Vaughn worries about tan. |
Snoop snoops, Starsky poops. |
Zoolander wears flares... struts. |
Detectives conduct strip interrogation. |
Snitch Snoop, Stiller Starsky. |
Torino twosome tackle trouble. |
Undercover (cops), Brother. |
Vaughn gets Coke distributorship. |