Kingdom Of Heaven (2005) |
83 reviews |
Film rated 3.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.3 / 5)
Ridley's Sects and violence. |
Orlando blooms then surrenders. |
Bloom hammered, tempered, honed. |
France blooms tough flower. |
Balian's knightly character Blooms. |
Orlando Blooms at Knight. |
Blacksmith Blooms into warrior. |
Ridley reinvents Balian's background. |
Crescent and Cross collide. |
Orlando's Balian on Jerusalem. |
Orlando Blooms in desert. |
Blacksmith saves medieval Jerusalem. |
Young, gifted and blacksmith. |
Engineer/blacksmith defends Jerusalem. |
Bloom's blacksmith is landlubber. |
'Bloom'ing marvellous knight. |
Blacksmith forges own crusade. |
Norton masks his performance. |
Swinging swords and Irons. |
Jerusalem falls, Blacksmith survives. |
Holy land, holey knights. |
Neeson seeks Blooming son. |
Bloom's knight to remember. |
Blooms bazaar knight out. |
Jerusalem Blooms, resists infidels. |
'Gladiator' meets the crusades. |
Bloom's Balian belabors belief. |
Leper loses Christian Kingdom. |
Islam eradicates irksome infidels. |
Holy caped crusaders, Balian! |
Bloom: kinder, gentler crusader. |
Legolas Pirate's own Crusade. |
Bloom shish-kebabs larcenous cleric. |
Paris fights. Still surrenders. |
Blacksmith becomes overKnight sensation. |
Crusader goes bloomin' Medieval. |
Blooming blacksmith rides again. |
Blacksmith Balian battles Bedouins. |
Leper king, lyin' knight. |
Bloom makes desert green. |
Liam: 'See world, Orlando'. |
Blooming Christian Nails Saracens. |
Crusading Legolas battles Mohammedans. |
Bloom victorious in surrender. |
Gleeson takes Lepers hand. |
Bastard Bloom protects Jerusalem. |
Princess marries wrong Guy. |
Edward Norton: Leper King. |
Ridley me this Crusaders! |
Crusaders destroy Baldwin's peace. |
Bloom gets knight slapped. |
Christians, Moslems' religious rumble. |
Bloom defends Jerusalem, loses. |
Salah al-Din meets Balian. |
Blacksmith in full Bloom. |